SEO Expertise

Patrick LaJuett — SEO Experience

My SEO journey started in the early 2000s when I launched my graphic design business. Out of necessity, I taught myself to write content and code. I got hooked on SEO when my small website started to outrank national ad agencies. I've been obsessed with search optimization concepts and techniques ever since.

Over the past two decades, I have honed expert SEO and content marketing skills. I have worked on hundreds of websites, including digital marketing campaigns for Fortune 500's. My clients have come to trust me as a go-to source for both on-page SEO and organic traffic growth.

I primarily focus on understanding the "content experience" and working to improve it. Content experience is the environment in which content exists, how it's structured, and how it compels audiences to engage. This approach helps brands create better relationships with their audiences.

SEO Acumen

Technical SEO Focus

SEO Pro Tip

When creating content for a website, focus on what's most helpful to your users and provide sufficient value for whatever the topic might be.